Issue #20: Quarks, Jaguars and Skin in the Game.

Random but not-so-random musings this week. I hope you enjoy.

I’m reading Nassim Taleb and his ornery old man schtick has seeped into this week’s newsletter. So bear with me.

  • Skin in the Game’ by Nassim Taleb focuses on our culture of ’punditry/predictions without consequence’. I’ve always been wary of predictions but I have a knack for seeing around corners (in business) and also have a strong desire to share that. So I write narratives instead

Narratives = Insights from past + Systems Thinking + Futurecasting

Predicting is dumb. But it’s pretty easy to see where things are going. You just have to listen to the wisdom of the systems.

Have a great week! Do send any narrative seekers, investors in Ring and recovering Musketeers my way.




Issue #21: Coachella (the other one), Science Fiction & What Is Not Yours.


Issue #19: Blockchain Takeover.